Ol’ Bruiser is the greatest to ever step onto the diamond, and this is his final game.  Join the excitement and experience an unforgettable ending you’ll treasure.  With vivid watercolor illustrations, this heartwarming tale comes to life on every page.  Published by Jane Books, a company dedicated to highlighting young artistic talent, Ol’ Bruiser proudly features the debut illustrations of Kenzie Adams.  

The story weaves fact, fiction and fantasy into this timeless tale, inspired by a bedtime tale first told to the author’s  6-year-old baseball enthusiast son.  What began as a cherished family story has been carefully written, refined and beautifully brought to life for readers of all ages to enjoy.

What’s Inside . . .

As you get to know the character in this story, you will start to appreciate your own work ethic and talent.  You will find yourself thinking about the things you are the best at, or notice things you want to work hard to improve.  You will likely appreciate the artist for not knowing anything about baseball and working to develop and bring the story to life.  You will read the story and think about why you love baseball, or watching your family play the game.

Overall, this story will leave you appreciating the game of baseball and of life.


Why Ol’ Bruiser . . .

We are surrounded by passing trends, challenges and videos that are here today and gone tomorrow.  But there is a longing for things that are real.  We are looking for something classic and enduring.  Enter a character whose name sounds like something from the classic period of sports.  

Of course his name isn’t really Ol’ Bruiser, but the nickname stuck as he showed he will play through discomfort in order to succeed.  He will be ready to stand tough if the situation requires it.  And whether he is the one who throws a pitch, gets a hit or has a collision at home plate, he will dole out as much damage as he receives.  Ol Bruiser’s style flows from plays like Cobb, Page, Gibson, Gehrig, Clemente, Ripken and so many others over baseball’s history.

The Student Artist . . .

Kenzie Adams is talented and she is also the furthest thing from a sport enthusiast that you could be, but the art she make is unique and perfect to pair with this first book about Ol Bruiser.  Kenzie was a high school senior when the author approached her with the opportunity to illustrate this story.  In true youthful fashion, she was concerned that she wouldn’t be able to do it right – she didn’t know anything about baseball.  But also in youthful fashion, she threw herself into learning and growing.  She worked hard to study poses and positions and what some of the terms meant. The results speak for themselves as this story is classically illustrated to showcase a baseball game.  Kenzie makes you feel like you are at the park.

Not only does Kenzie earn royalties on every book sale, we can also sell prints of the art.  If you are interested, please email us here.

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The author loves baseball . . .

The story exists not because the author has sons who play baseball, but is grown out of years of post season games that were magical to a young boy growing up in Idaho.   Baseball in Idaho makes you tough and not just because it is a winter sport (too many spring snow storms).  It makes you tough because lots of strong farm-raised kids throw pitches. . . that hit you in the back.  You keep playing year after year because you love the game.  Then as you watch the pros on TV, you see a an iconic pinch hit home run live it sticks with you.  You watch a small strong player climb the wall to make impossible catches and you learn that even in October, after football practice, watching baseball is how you want to relax.

This story is the long collection of how one son because a father and has passed on the love of the game to his boys.  This story is inspired by a wife who see some of Ol’ Bruiser in her sons.  The author wrote the story to share that this game a of baseball is a metaphor for life and his character Ol’ Bruiser is intended to show everyone that they can become great.


In Ol’ Bruiser’s universe . . .

You can’t just be a character in this story.  There is always going to be a backstory and the world where Ol’ Bruiser lives is vibrant and full of greatness.  

Some fun facts about this story:

Ol’ Bruiser plays for the Alphaville Aeronauts. They are an old storied franchise who were able to sign Ol’ Bruiser as a free agent after his old team determined he was at the end of his prime.

The Aeronauts logos have included a Hot Air Ballon, A Bi plane, an a streamlined jet. 

The opponent for the game is the Potteryville Pointers.  The mascot of course being a beautiful hunting dog name Boomer.

Ol’ Bruiser’s mom is in attendance at the game.

There are 37333 fans in attendance and more in a standing room only area located in left field.

Ol’ Bruiser’s wife, his three sons and daughter-in-law are all in attendance at the game.


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